March 27, 2008

面對死亡-facing death-

"Dying is a wild night and a new road."

-by Emily Dickinson


when i was a child, i did not know this road

i did not recognize its existence

but now, i know the name of this road is "life"

and end of it is death, and death only

no escape, and no exception

death might seem to be scary

cruel, and painful as it seems

but as experience, courage, and

age all added up as they will always be

death becomes an acceptable agreement that

when finish walking down this road

we shall get rid of our bloody shell

gently follow our Father to where we've always belonged

now, isn't death not horrifying anymore?

350d, 18-200 @ 18mm
iso 100, 1/50 s, f/4.5
taken @ near Bloomington, Illinois


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